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oh please.

I wish to travel around the world!
I want to take awesome photographs
I want to be a better dancer

Designer Basecodes

Hello. My name is Solana Bernita!.

Saturday, August 29, 2009!
HandWritten on; 2:37 PM


Comment / tag for my URL yeah! ((:

Wednesday, August 19, 2009!
HandWritten on; 3:39 PM

Had lunch with shitty just now and well.. talked quite a bit. More like I talked alot. Anyway saw this quote on her blog -

"Listen to the words, and you can be fooled. Look at the actions, and you can be fooled..."

I know I have became different but I don't wish to explain myself further. My friend, she knows why.

I got so many things to post about! But the long posts can just wait till next week when I'm done with exams and it will be sun-kisses to holidays!

I'm not sad luh! Its just something I have always knew since long time ago and I finally felt that I should let people know that I know. HA!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009!
HandWritten on; 10:35 PM

Feeling POOPED. ):
I just can't seem to turn on pointe. ARGH.

Saturday, August 15, 2009!
HandWritten on; 1:09 PM

If it suppose to happen, it will happen
Its faith that makes us stronger
We live and learn
One step at a time

Friday, August 14, 2009!
HandWritten on; 8:31 AM

Hotmail is being a bitch. I can't seem to open my mails and I need em now!

Monday, August 10, 2009!
HandWritten on; 6:50 PM

Today is the last. (:

Sunday, August 09, 2009!
HandWritten on; 5:35 PM

Caught 'UP' yesterday and I must say that the entire movie was simply breathtaking and heartfelt. Thou it may seem like a cheesy movie of how a couple with 2 different personalities but a common dream worked together to fulfill their goals, it was definitely more than just that.

To many, thou it seem like how the power of love could overcome all odds. It was how Carl manage to let go of what he held for the whole of his life to start a new adventure, a new journey of his life allowed this movie to be etched in my memory.

Of course, the plot was oh-so original, animation being flawless and characters being really round and squishy! ((:

Bravery and Adventurous would be something these little animated characters have that we don't.

Friday, August 07, 2009!
HandWritten on; 3:59 PM

I'm currently waiting time to pass now before meeting the guys for badminton. YAH. I know! Its like my lousiest sport and they just have to play that. ): I'm just gonna ma-lu myself there luh. Don't care! Don't care!

It was awesome today. Not only that I survived on that 4hrs sleep that I did-not-know-why-i-did-that decision. I survived through AIMM lecture without dozing off. Everyone knows how AWESOME our lecturer is. ((: PLUS PLUS its FRIDAY and I'm feeling bubbly again! YES! Like finally! Let me do some self-proclaiming, haha. I'm just proud of myself! ((: Trust me, its was ultimate retardation for the past few days, I feel just as low as those girls that I was bitching about. I know its really wrong to bitch. But let me quote for you and you will understand why I say its ultimate. (:

Teacher: Why is she retarded?
Girl(s): Cause she want to jump down. hahahahahaha
Teacher: She jump down from which floor?
Girl(s): From the 4th floor. hahahahahhaa
Teacher: Will she die?
Girl(s): 2nd floor lor. hahahhahaha
I can't remember what the teacher said,
Girl(s): She jump down from the first floor. HAAAAHAHAHAHA.

FUNNY RIGHT. IT WAS SOO FUNNY that the whole class gave the same expression. (: Their sense of humor has definitely awed me. Really! I am simply amazed that they are able to feel so cheerful at the smallest thing. *I'm not sacastic okay. ((:

Did you realise that today at 12.34 and 56 seconds. It was exactly. YES! The girls and I wasted one minute in lecture counting down to this time. You need to appreciate these things you know! Plus it won't happen again!

I just bought another shirt from rach! Omg luh. And taffyjoan wants me to buy for her Itouch because I'm gonna work in the holidays. THE POWER OF SHARING huh.

NOW I AM LATE. Stupid!

Thursday, August 06, 2009!
HandWritten on; 12:29 AM

Sometimes posts that are written are amended twice, thrice or probably deleted.
Cause I don't know who reads this space here anymore.

Wednesday, August 05, 2009!
HandWritten on; 2:12 AM

Time check: 2.12am
Comment: Aging at a really fast rate
Opinion: Tuna says its in the genes
and I'm starting to do retarded stuff.
Recommendation: Solana you should sleep now.